Monday, October 12, 2009



Kiran and I saw what we thought was one of the funniest films we have seen in our lives. Its called Withnail And I. It is the most wacked out and bizarrely funny film I have ever seen.

Warning. I’m not sure I should recommend it though. I am not sure how many people will find this kind of humour appealing. I believe it wasn’t very successful at the box office when it released, so judging by that not many in the public liked it. But for those who want to experiment with very unusual humour in cinema, go for it.

Its a story about these 2 out of work actors and their mad, funny and tragic lives. Exceedingly well written, brilliantly performed and superbly executed. Its a huge cult success. Written and directed by Bruce Robinson. British.

Watching Withnail And I reminded me of one of my favourite books, A Confederacy Of Dunces, written by John Kennedy Toole. Again a piece of work that I find supremely funny and tragic. Absolutely brilliant. A must read, but again I don’t know how many of you will like it. Have read the book twice and plan to read it once every couple years.

The book was actually published after the death of the author and he did not live to see the huge success that it became. In fact the book would never have been published had it not been for Toole’s mother who found a carbon copy of the manuscript left in the house following Toole’s suicide in 1969 at the young age of 31. Toole’s mother took this manuscript to various publishers in attempt to get it published without any success until she took it to Walker Percy, an author, and literally forced him to read it. Percy explains in his foreword that he started the manuscript with great reservation but got sucked into the book and loved it. The book was published in 1980, 11 years after Toole’s death, and became a cult classic, and then later a mainstream success.

So much brilliance in this world. So inspiring.

What fun.

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