Monday, October 12, 2009



Just saw Shawshank Redemption. Had heard so much about this film. It seems to be on a lot of ‘must see’ lists. Really enjoyed it and loved Robbins’ performance and the way his character was written.

Gosh there are so many films to see, and books to read. One life time is not enough. Books, I read, but films I never get down to seeing. Strange, since, I love cinema so much. It’s not as if I don’t enjoying watching films, I really do, in fact when I watch a film I forget to blink and my eyes start hurting after a while. And I am an ideal audience, always ready to be manupilated, (listening Mira?). But for someone who is so steeped in films I have watched pathetically few films in all these years. Have I said all this before? Can’t remember. Anyway, lot of catching up to do I guess.

So Kiran and I are away from home, in one very quiet spot, just lying in and resting. Reading, going for walks, watching films.

Vinod and Raju tell me that the post production on 3 Idiots is progressing well, so by the time I get back the cut will be ready. Which means I can confirm to all those of you who have been repeatedly asking... yes 3i will be releasing on Christmas this year. I’ll see the cut once I get back. Will keep y’all posted.

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