Monday, October 12, 2009

Amitabh Bachchan-birthday special

To the many that came with wishes ; that came with a desire to meet and greet, that had through great pain and perseverance kept vigil and then lost out on an opportunity to wish me. To the hundreds that thronged the three locations, Prateeksha, Jalsa and Janak and bore the pushing and shoving of the police and the security, to them I give my gratitude and thanks for taking the trouble to show your affection and love. Words shall always fail me when I shall be asked to describe this phenomena, but all that one can say is that I feel blessed to have been given the opportunity of so much love and affection from others. It is the greatest debt that I shall carry to my grave and one that I shall never be able to pay back.
Yes it was rough from the early hours of the morning, meeting and receiving the love and affection of the hundreds that were at the gates. Moving out and driving in to our own houses was a mini riot. But the faces that slammed against the walls of the car were happy ones, excited ones and ones that merely wanted to express love. Poems and flowers and several cakes and interviews later I was able to be with the family and spend a quiet afternoon and day with them.
Shweta kept PINGING us to watch particular channels as they broadcast the events of the day and my movements diligently. Many of the electronic had structured special programs and bulletins on my career. The many important papers had full front page tributes to me and the first print add., for ‘PAA’. Many of the print carried interviews and articles acknowledging my presence in the Indian Film Industry and they made very interesting reading. Friends and relatives called in and 1207 sms’s jammed the mobile.
To those from the extended family that sent their wishes, may I simply say that replying individually to you has been impossible due to the pressure of the work load, but I do appreciate the effort made by all in connecting to me. My apologies for not being able to reply per person, but an attempt to reply to all shall be put into practice and maybe before the end of the year or 2 years we shall have a response to all that matter !!
Thank you Lord for bringing me into this world, for giving me the parents that you did, for the affection of all those that expressed their love to me over 40 years of my life. I could never have asked for more. I respect and honor all those that have remained with me and for whom god willing I shall continue to work to entertain them.
Give me the strength, my Lord. Give me the power of work. Give me resilience and divine intervention and then allow me to come over and shake the hands that have waved at me for so long.
Happy Birthday all …. you have been such a delight in my life.
Amitabh Bachchan

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